On Cameyo Windows servers, Internet Explorer / Edge is the default web browser for hyperlinks, but this can be changed to Chrome using one of the following methods:
In a PowerTag field (application, server, or company settings), add the PowerTag
to the field. This PowerTag will automatically launch Chrome instead of Internet Explorer / Edge.
New user configuration policy
- Get chromedefault.xml from the Google support website and place it on the Cameyo Play Server
- Run the following command in the folder where the xml is:
Dism.exe /Online /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:chromedefault.xml
Note: This change will only affect new user profiles. Existing profiles will not have their default changed.
To recycle all user profiles (Temporary User Profiles only!) run the following command with elevated rights:C:\RemoteAppPilot\RemoteAppPilot.exe -RecycleAllUsers
Script to use a placeholder iexplore.exe
Create the following batch file iedefault.bat and run it:pushd . c: powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest https://files.cameyo.com/downloads/iexplore.exe -OutFile %temp%\iexplore.exe" cd "C:\Program Files\internet explorer" taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe takeown /F iexplore.exe icacls.exe iexplore.exe /T /Q /C /RESET xcopy /y "%temp%\iexplore.exe" . popd
Manually using a placeholder iexplore.exe
- Download https://files.cameyo.com/downloads/iexplore.exe
- Place this file in C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer instead of the existing executable.