Plugging Cameyo into your Microsoft Azure cloud environment.

At the end of this process you will have an Azure service principal and a storage account for Cameyo to operate with. If you already have these items, you may skip to the last section. The elements needed are:

  • Azure subscription (subscriptionId).
  • Azure Directory tenant ID (tenantId).
  • Azure application (clientId, clientSecret).
  • Azure storage account (storageAccount, storageKey).

Creating an Azure app and service account

Cameyo needs Azure client access in order to create virtual machines and turn them on and off as needed, providing substantial cost savings.

This section will guide you through creating a client service account. Alternatively, you can follow the steps from Microsoft's documentation: here.

  • Log into your Azure portal.
  • Navigate to "Azure Active Directory" and to "App registrations". Click on "New registration".

  • Name the application, select "Accounts in this organizational directory only" and choose "Web" under redirect URI.

  • Once the item created, take note of your clientId ("Application client ID") and tenantId ("Directory tenant ID", also named "Directory ID"):

  • Go to Azure's Subscriptions page and take note of your subscription ID (subscriptionId):
  • Click on your subscription and select "Access control (IAM)".
  • Add a role assignment with role = contributor, access to Azure AD, and select the name of the application you've just created above. Click Save.

  • Return to the Azure Active Directory section, app registrations and select the created app. There, click on "Certificates & secrets":

  • Create a new client secret:

  • Write down the generated client secret (clientSecret).

Creating a storage account

Cameyo requires a dedicated storage account for two reasons:

  • Storing the initial image from which pristine the very first Cameyo VM will be created.
  • Storing persistent data (Cameyo's SessionSync) if enabled.

Creating a storage account is relatively simple. Below are the steps you need to follow within Azure's poral:

Choose Standard storage (not Premium). Choose the location to be the same as your Cameyo servers for best results. Make sure to select "Public network access = Enabled from all networks", to allow Cameyo's Portal to manage it.


At the end of this process, write down the storage account name (storageAccount) and the storage access key (storageKey).

Onboarding your cloud environment into Cameyo

Now you have all the required elements for connecting your cloud environment to Cameyo. Go to and input these elements, and click Submit. You should be all set.

Note: creating your first Cameyo server on Azure may take up to 50 minutes, which is the time it takes to initialize a VM in a new Azure region.

MSP sharing of BYO Cloud with managed accounts

If you are running an MSP account, you can share your BYO Cloud project with your managed accounts. This option will appear as a checkbox within your managed account's Company Settings page, only if a BYO Cloud account hasn't already been set for their managed account.