In order to allow your Cameyo server to communicate with a SQL instance, you need to follow the steps below. Please note that your SQL server's authentication mode needs to be SQL Server Authentication (or Mixed Mode). Windows Authentication requires both instances to be on the same domain, which is beyond the scope of this article.

  1. Make sure your Cameyo server has a fixed IP. If you are using a fully-hosted cloud server, our support team can do this for you.
  2. Make sure your SQL server has a fixed IP.
  3. Make sure your SQL server's firewall allows inbound traffic on the SQL port (typically 1433) to Cameyo's server, according to the address mentioned in #1.
  4. Configure your application to communicate with the SQL server, using the address in #2. As an example, if your SQL server's address is 35.213.312.123, the SQL connection source would look something like this: "Data Source=35.213.312.123,1433;User ID=admin;..."


Some customers will require that the SQL server will come out of hibernation when the Front-End application is launched.

Cameyo offers a special dependency option called Cluster Dependency which allows an administrator to form a relationship between two diverse clusters. 


  1. To identify the name of the Server Cluster the Front-end application is dependent on, navigate to Servers> click on the server in question 
  2. Navigate to the Server Cluster Section
  3.  Now that you have identified the cluster where SQL is installed, you will need to ensure that under the Cluster Dependency drop-down, the SQL server cluster is selected.
  4. The result is that when you start your front-end server, the dependent server/cluster will power up accordingly.
  5. cvfbxcvb