There are certain things that Windows Explorer cannot handle such as having a defined root folder, restrict to seeing only certain file types, etc.
For this purpose we provide the Cameyo Explorer.
The Cameyo Explorer can be started with the following parameters:
cameyoexplorer.exe <options>
Help | /? |
Root path(s)* (comma separated) Root title can be specified using a pipe <path>|<title> | /path=c:\TEMP|Temp Folder,%APPDATA%,X: |
Download path %USERPROFILE%\Outbound is the default for download in a Cameyo environment but any path can be specified to copy a file to that destination using the Download button | /dest=%USERPROFILE%\Outbound |
Pre-select a given folder | /select=<path> |
Form title | /title="Cameyo File Explorer" |
Remove Form border (+title) | /nowindow |
Don't show Cloud icons for G-Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox | /nocloudicons |
Prevent download of files Missing /dest will also trigger /nodownload | /nodownload |
Doesn't copy uploaded files to selected directory | /noupload |
Don't show [Close] button | /noclose |
Don't show [Search] field | /nosearch |
Don't allow to open file properties | /noproperties |
Don't show hidden folders and files | /nohidden |
Don't show system folders and files | /nosystem |
Show inaccessible folders and files | /showinaccessible |
Disable all folder and file manipulations | /readonly |
Disable folder and file deletion | /nodelete |
Disable subfolder scan (for Cloud drives) | /nosubfoldercheck |
Disallows opening of files /showcontent is not affected | /nofileopen |
Only allow to open certain extensions | /allowfiletypes=log,txt,docx,xlsx,json |
Allow to open all extensions except defined only /allowfiletypes OR /denyfiletypes is allowed, not both of them | /denyfiletypes=exe,bat,cmd,ps1,vbs |
Shows content of files in separate area Supported: txt,json,xml,pdf,html,png,jpg,ico,gif,bmp,svg,zip | /showcontent |
Additionally shows the Explorer's context menu | /showexplorermenu |
Only show files according to /allowfiletypes and /denyfiletypes | /showallowedonly |
Show KB for file sizes instead of B,KB,MB,GB | /showkb |
Shows quick access will automatically be shown if /path is missing | /quickaccess |
Shows WebFS folder and updates it when mapping folders | /webfs |
Replaces the Cameyo UID with the provided value only used in logs | /userid |
Write to log file default: %USERPROFILE%\cameyoexplorer.log Logs will always be written to the Windows event log. CE has to be started "As Administrator" once for initialization | /log[=path] |
* required
It is also possible to set the configuration with a PowerTag:
!EXPLORER=/path=%USERPROFILE%|Profile Folder,C:\TEMP
or through Registry (HKCU):
whereas all parameters without an = sign are DWORD types (set to 0x1) and all others are STRING types
Version History:
+ improved file watcher (upload handling)
- fixed icon reading issue
- fixed crash when using /debug
+ improved logging
+ added more error handling
+ improved speed (tree - when having lots of directories (1000+)
+ added Download to context menu
- fixed issue when root folder has no subfolders
- fixed /showonlyallowed issue
- fixed quick access issue
- fixed folder icon issue
- fixed refresh (F5) issue
- fixed Copy & Paste and Cut & Paste between applications
- fixed some threading issues
+ added /webfs to show the WebFS folder (and update it when folders are mapped)
+ added /select=<path> to open CE with a specified path
- fixed upload issue in sandboxed environment
- fixed search issue
- fixed another copy and paste and drag and drop issue
- added multiple copies of a file in the same folder
- improved content view
- fixed copy and paste issue
- improved loading speed of file list (threading)
- running as x64 now
- added /showexplorermenu
- added compress and expand of zip files
- added more threading for dynamic tree update (without blocking the UI)
- added "Fallback" if no /path is configured (behaves like MS Explorer)
- fixed some bugs
- added more error handling
- Fix: Ask to overwrite file upon pasting and drag'n'drop
- fixed renaming issue
- preview for images, html and xml files
- fixed download issue
+ /userid=
+ Writing to Eventlog (requires running PS elevated on the server once: New-EventLog -source "Cameyo Explorer" -LogName Cameyo
+ various fixes (showcontent)
+ Drag'n'Drop to other Applications
- Changed context menu handling (Delete/Rename)
- Show last modified as <ShortDate> <ShortTime> so it reflects the regional settings of the user
+ /quickaccess shows the quick access folder items (I'm ignoring files though)
I removed the MessageBox and refrained from adding a new switch
+ copies uploaded files directly to the selected folder
+ /noupload doesn't care about uploaded files
- changed help dialog
+ clickable columns for sorting
+ fixed some exception issues (file listing)
+ show human readable file sizes
+ /showkb (bearbeitet)
+ file watcher (detects changes in opened folder)
+ folder context menu
+ creating new folders
+ F5 (refresh) on folders
+ native folder icons
+ folder properties
+ /showinaccessible /noinaccessible
+ supports settings in Registry [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cameyo\CameyoExplorer\Arguments]
+ supports settings in PowerTag !EXPLORER=/path=x:|Profile /nowindow /...
+ precedency: Registry < PowerTag < CmdLine Arguments
+ fixed some issues
+ hidden features:
+ Ctrl+Alt+L opens log file
+ Ctrl+Alt+Q closes application (even with /noclose) (bearbeitet)